Hey there! Now, let me tell ya somethin’ ‘bout gatherin’ them black-eyed Susan seeds. Now, these flowers, they’re somethin’! All summer long, they bloomin’ and bright, just like sunshine. But if ya wanna keep ’em goin’ for next year, ya gotta get them seeds saved right.
1. Identify Them Flowers Properly

First thing ya gotta do, and this is real important, is make sure ya got the right flower. Ya don’t wanna be out there pickin’ some other plant, thinkin’ it’s black-eyed Susan when it ain’t. Look for the flowers with them bright yellow petals and that dark, round center. That’s how ya know it’s a black-eyed Susan, alright?
2. Wait for the Right Time
Now, ya gotta be patient here. Don’t go pluckin’ them seeds too early, or they won’t be no good. The right time to harvest is when the flower head dries up and turns brown. When the petals fall off and that center starts lookin’ all shriveled and dark, well, that’s when ya know them seeds are ready.
3. How to Get Them Seeds Out
Alright, once ya found some dried-up flowers, go ahead and snip ’em off the plant. Don’t worry, ya ain’t hurtin’ the plant none; it’s already done for the season. Just grab a flower head between your fingers and rub it a bit. The seeds are tiny, black or dark brown, and they’ll fall right out. Make sure ya got a little container to catch ’em in, or they’ll scatter everywhere!
4. Cleaning Up the Seeds
Sometimes ya get little bits of flower and junk in with the seeds. Just spread ’em out on a piece of paper and give it a gentle blow. The bits that ain’t seeds will fly off, and your seeds will be left behind. Don’t go crazy, though; a little chaff won’t hurt anything.
5. Storing Them Seeds Right

Now that ya got them seeds, don’t go lettin’ ‘em sit out where they’ll get damp. Moisture will ruin ’em quicker than anything. Put ’em in a dry paper envelope, somethin’ where they can breathe a little. Then tuck ’em away in a cool, dry place. Some folks put ‘em in the fridge, but ya don’t gotta do that unless ya got a real humid house.
6. Plantin’ Your Seeds Next Season
When spring rolls around, them seeds are ready to go. Ya don’t gotta do nothin’ fancy with ’em. Just take a handful and scatter ’em over the dirt where ya want ’em to grow. Press ’em down a bit so they touch the soil nice and good. They’ll sprout up all on their own when the weather’s right, and you’ll have a whole patch of black-eyed Susans come summertime.
Extra Tips
- Ya don’t gotta soak or treat these seeds. They’re tough, just like the plant.
- Make sure ya store ’em somewhere the mice can’t get to. Them critters love seeds just as much as we do!
- If ya got more seeds than ya need, share ’em with a neighbor. Black-eyed Susans spread joy everywhere they grow.
So there ya have it, folks. Keepin’ black-eyed Susan seeds is as easy as pie once ya know the steps. Just remember: find the right flowers, wait for ’em to dry, gather up them seeds, and store ’em somewhere safe. Then, next spring, ya can look forward to a yard full of those pretty yellow blooms again!
Tags:[black-eyed Susan, seed harvesting, flower gardening, growing black-eyed Susan, seed storage]