Now, if you got them little saplings poppin’ up all over your yard, you might be wonderin’ how to stop ’em from comin’ back, right? I know how pesky them saplings can be. You dig ‘em up one day, and the next, they’re sproutin’ right back up like they never left. Well, let me tell ya, there’s a few ways to keep them from growin’ back, and they don’t all involve just pullin’ ’em up by the roots. Now, listen up, I’ll walk ya through it step by step.
1. Pull ‘Em Up Right

The first thing ya gotta do is pull the saplings up as soon as ya see ’em. Now, I know, you might be thinkin’, “That’s too simple.” But trust me, if you can get them saplings when they’re still young, it’s a whole lot easier to get rid of ’em. Use a good ol’ shovel or even your hands if you can, and make sure to get them roots outta the ground. Saplings that ain’t got no roots will have a hard time comin’ back.
2. Cut ‘Em Down
If you’re dealin’ with saplings that’ve been growin’ for a while, just pullin’ ‘em up might not do the trick. Sometimes, you gotta chop ’em down. You get yourself a good pair of shears or a saw, and get to work on them little trees. Don’t worry about bein’ neat; just make sure to cut ‘em close to the ground. The less of the sapling you leave behind, the harder it’ll be for it to come back.
3. Use Herbicide (But Be Careful!)
Now, if you’re really serious about gettin’ rid of ’em, herbicide can help, but you gotta be careful. Ya can’t just go dumpin’ that stuff all over your yard like you’re waterin’ plants. You gotta apply it properly. The best time to do it is right after you cut the sapling down, while it’s still fresh. You’ll want to use a good brush killer or stump remover. Just paint the herbicide on the stump, and that should keep it from regrowin’. But, be sure to keep it off the plants you wanna keep, ‘cause that stuff’ll kill ‘em too!
4. Cover the Ground
Now, once you’ve got them saplings outta the way, the next thing ya gotta do is stop more from sproutin’ up. And one way to do that is by coverin’ the ground. You can lay down some thick mulch or even some landscape fabric to block the sunlight. Saplings need sunlight to grow, so if you block it out, they won’t be able to start up again. You can also cover the area with a good ol’ tarp or even cardboard. Just make sure it’s heavy enough to keep them little saplings from pushin’ through.
5. Keep an Eye on ‘Em

Sometimes, even after you’ve done all this work, them saplings still find a way to pop back up. That’s why you gotta keep an eye on ’em. Every time you see one of them little sprouts, pull it up right away. The quicker you get to it, the easier it’ll be to keep ‘em from takin’ over again. It might take a little bit of work, but if you stay on top of it, you’ll get the upper hand.
6. Use Salt (But Don’t Overdo It!)
Another way folks stop saplings from growin’ back is by using salt. You just pour some salt around the stump or on the roots, and it’ll dry ’em out. But be careful, don’t go overboard, ’cause too much salt can mess up the soil and make it harder for anythin’ to grow there. A little bit goes a long way, so just sprinkle a bit around the area where the sapling was.
7. Girdling the Tree
If you got a bigger sapling or even a small tree that you’re tryin’ to stop from growin’, you might wanna try girdling it. That means makin’ a cut all the way around the trunk of the tree, just deep enough to cut into the bark. This’ll stop the tree from gettin’ the nutrients it needs from the roots and keep it from growin’ back. It sounds like a tough job, but it works if you’ve got a stubborn tree!
Now, I reckon some folks might say you gotta use a bunch of fancy tools or chemicals, but a lot of times, it’s just about bein’ consistent. Keep an eye on your yard, keep pullin’ ‘em up when you see ‘em, and use the right methods, and you’ll keep them saplings from growin’ back. It may take some time, but with a little bit of work, you’ll get the job done!
Tags:[how to stop saplings from growing back, prevent saplings, tree sapling removal, yard maintenance, garden tips, herbicide for saplings, remove saplings, keep saplings from regrowing]