Alright, let’s talk about them brown spots on the leaves, you know, the big ol’ fan leaves, when your plants are flowerin’. It ain’t nothin’ to panic about just yet, but ya gotta pay attention, ya hear?

First off, what do them spots look like? Are they kinda reddish-brown? Do they look like rust, you know, like on an old bucket? If they do, and if ya touch ’em and some kinda dust comes off, well, then ya might have somethin’ called rust fungus. Them little spores, they float around in the air and land on your plants, then they start growin’ and makin’ them spots. It ain’t good, but we can deal with it.
Now, sometimes them spots ain’t rust. Sometimes they just mean your plant’s hungry. Yeah, plants get hungry too! They need food, just like us. And one thing they need a lot of is somethin’ called nitrogen. If they don’t get enough, their leaves start turnin’ yellow, and then they get them brown spots. It’s like the plant’s sayin’, “Hey! Feed me!” Especially when they’re makin’ them flowers, they need extra food.
- What to do ’bout rust? Well, if it’s that rust fungus, ya gotta get rid of them sick leaves. Carefully, now! Don’t go shakin’ them around and spreadin’ the stuff everywhere. Just snip ’em off and put ’em in a bag. And then, ya might need to get some stuff to spray on the plants, somethin’ that kills the fungus. Ask the folks at the store, they’ll know what ya need.
- What to do if they’re hungry? Well, feed ’em, of course! You can get some fertilizer, stuff that’s got plenty of nitrogen in it. Blood meal, worm poop, they all work good. Just follow the directions on the bag, don’t go pourin’ too much on, ya hear? Too much food ain’t good either. It’s like overeatin’, makes ya sick. And remember, if your dirt is too sour, like if it’s got too much vinegar in it, the plants can’t eat right, even if there’s food. So ya gotta make sure the dirt is just right.
Now, let’s talk about prunin’ them leaves. When the plants are flowerin’, you can trim off some of them big fan leaves that are coverin’ up the little buds. The buds need light to grow big and strong, so ya gotta make sure they ain’t hidin’ in the shadows. But don’t go crazy and cut off all the leaves! The plant still needs ’em to make food. Just take off the ones that are in the way, and any that are lookin’ sick or dead.
And another thing, don’t go pullin’ off leaves left and right all at once. Give the plant some time to recover. Take a few leaves now, then wait a couple of weeks and take a few more. It’s like gettin’ a haircut, ya don’t want to shave your head bald all at once, right? Take it slow and easy.
Sometimes them leaves turn yellow just ’cause the plant is gettin’ old. It’s natural, like when we get gray hair. Towards the end of its life, when it’s about ready to harvest, the plant starts takin’ the food out of the leaves and puttin’ it into the flowers. So the leaves turn yellow and might get some brown spots. That’s okay, it just means you’re almost done.
So, there ya have it. Brown spots on leaves durin’ flowerin’ can be a few different things. Could be rust, could be hunger, could just be old age. Ya gotta look close, figure out what’s goin’ on, and then do what ya gotta do. Don’t be scared to ask for help if ya need it. There’s plenty of folks who know about growin’ plants, they can give ya a hand.
Remember, takin’ care of plants is like takin’ care of kids. Ya gotta feed ‘em, keep ‘em clean, and give ‘em what they need. And sometimes, ya just gotta be patient and let nature do its thing. Good luck with your plants, and I hope you get a good harvest!
Keep in mind, this is just what I’ve learned from my years of growing stuff. I ain’t no fancy scientist, just a woman who likes to get her hands dirty. But trust me, these tips will help you get rid of them brown spots and get your plants healthy and strong. And remember to keep them plants happy by givin’ them plenty of space so they ain’t crowdin’ each other, and make sure they get some air movin’ around them, not too much that they get blown over, but just enough so they don’t get stuffy.

And one last thing, always keep your eyes peeled for bugs! Them little critters can cause all sorts of problems, and if ya catch ’em early, you can stop them before they do too much damage. Just look under the leaves, on the stems, and in the soil. If you see anythin’ movin’ that shouldn’t be, then ya need to take care of it.
Tags: [Flowering, Plant Health, Leaves, Brown Spots, Rust Fungus, Nitrogen Deficiency, Pruning, Fan Leaves, Organic Fertilizer]