Well now, listen up. If you got yerself a Christmas tree this year, you might’ve noticed it startin’ to dry out too quick. That’s real sad, ‘cause who wants a dry, scraggly tree all Christmas long? Don’t worry though, there’s some things you can do to slow it down. I’ll tell you what worked for me.
First thing you gotta do is keep the room cool. I know, I know, Christmas is a time for warmth and coziness, but if you want that tree to last a little longer, you gotta make sure it ain’t sittin’ in a hot spot. If you can, turn the heat down a little or shut those vents that blow hot air. The less heat, the less the tree dries out. And don’t go puttin’ the tree near the heater or a fireplace. Trees don’t like that. Same with windows that get the sun – keep it away from that direct sunlight if you can. Sun’s nice, but not for your tree!

Now, here’s somethin’ that’s real important, but folks don’t always know about it. When you first bring the tree inside, you gotta cut a little bit off the bottom of the trunk. I’m talkin’ ‘bout maybe an inch or two. You see, when trees are cut, the bottom part of the trunk gets all blocked up with resin, and that stops it from drinkin’ water. If you cut it again, the tree can suck up the water better. You don’t wanna be puttin’ it in that stand with a blocked up base, trust me. After you cut the bottom, put it right into the stand. Make sure it’s nice and sturdy in there. Then, fill the stand with cold water, don’t bother with any fancy stuff – just plain cold water. That’s all you need.
And let me tell ya, you gotta keep an eye on it. Even after you do all this, the tree still might need a fresh cut at the bottom every few days. Just the way it is with them trees. If you leave it too long, the bottom’ll get clogged up again and it won’t drink no more water. You don’t want that. Keep ‘er filled with water, and your tree’ll stay fresher longer.
Don’t be thinkin’ that just ‘cause it’s a tree, it don’t need some care. You gotta take care of it like you would anything else that needs water. Trees are stubborn, but if you treat ‘em right, they’ll keep lookin’ good all the way through Christmas and into the New Year.
One last thing: don’t forget to check the water every day. It’s easy to forget, but if it runs dry, that tree’ll dry out real quick, too. So keep that water level up and keep it cool. You’ll have a lovely tree to look at all season long, and that’s what we all want, isn’t it?
Tags:[Christmas tree care, Drying out tree, Christmas tree tips, Tree water, Christmas decor]